Kingsgate Primary School
Kingsgate Primary School
Parent information menu

After school childcare for working parents

After school clubs

Breakfast club

Change of contact details

Free school meals

Health and wellbeing services for parents and carers

Home alone form

Illness, medication and first aid

Lunch menu

Musical instrument lessons

Ofsted parent view

Parent information sessions and activities

Parent tours 2024-2025

Paying for school dinners (nursery parents only)

PE days

Raising concerns and complaints

Relationship, health and sex education

Remote education

Request for leave of absence during the school term

School meals and packed lunches

School opening hours

School uniform

Supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities

Supporting children in reception and KS1 with their reading

Supporting children's wellbeing - a guide for parents and carers

Supporting good mental health in schools

Ethos and
Homework Term
Newsletters Apply to
our school
Contact us Online payments Order school
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