Kingsgate Primary School
Kingsgate Primary School
Request for leave of absence during the school term

Information for parents and carers

Only the head teacher can authorise leave of absence during term time. Completing the form below will not give you automatic permission to take your child on leave during term time. The head teacher will consider your request and give you a decision in writing.

As a parent or carer you must complete the form below if you wish to apply for leave of absence for your child during term time. You should discuss your request for leave of absence with the head teacher before you book your trip or buy tickets. The local authority strongly advises head teachers not to authorise leave of absence during term time, and it is unlikley that your request will be approved.

The conditions under which leave of absence may be granted are contained in the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006.

If your child is taken out of school during term time without authorisation from the headteacher, you may be referred to the local authority. The local authority may then prosecute you in the magistrates' court under the terms of section 44 of the Education Act 1966 or, as an alternative, issue both parents with a penalty notice.

If the head teacher does authorise leave of absence during term time, your child must return to school on the agreed date. If your child does not return to school on this date, the whole period of absence will be classified as unauthorised. You may be feferred to the local authorities and incur the penalties outlined above.

If your child does not return to school within 10 school days of the agreed date, your child will be removed from the school roll and the admissions register. You must inform the school immediately if your child's return is going to be delayed. Failure to inform the school might mean that you would have to re-apply for a place at the school for your child. There might not be a place available and you would need to find a place for your child at another school.

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