Kingsgate Primary School
Kingsgate Primary School
Illness, medication and first aid

For more information please see our Medicines in School policy in the Policy area of the website

It is very important that you tell the school if your child suffers from any allergies, including food-diagnosed allergies, or from any other medical condition, including asthma.

If your child has an allergy, a long term medical need, asthma, or needs medicine on a regular basis we will meet with you to write a Health Care plan. On the ‘Health Care Plan’ we will record the details of your child’s medical needs, any treatment they require and what we should do in case of an emergency.

Please do let us know if your child has an infectious illness such as rubella, conjunctivitis, head lice, impetigo, measles, mumps or ringworm.

Illness during the day

If your child becomes ill during the day, we will always contact you, having taken the necessary steps ourselves to ensure your child is safe and cared for. It is vital that we have your up-to-date contact numbers at all times, particularly mobile telephone numbers, and that someone is able, if necessary, to take your children home.


If your child is taking antibiotics, it is usually best that they are looked after at home. However, we are able to give your child prescribed medicines in school. This can be arranged via the school office providing the parent has sought the permission of the Headteacher and has filled out and signed the necessary form.

The school is only able to store and administer medication which has been prescribed by a doctor for your child. If your child requires prescribed medication during the school day, please contact the office who can provide you with the necessary forms and arrange a medical planning meeting, if appropriate. Medicines are kept at school and administered by staff.


Please let the office staff and teacher know if your child has asthma. Please clearly name any inhalers. Inhalers are always taken on trips. We encourage parents to take their child to a GP once a year for an Asthma Review appointment.

First Aid

Bumps and scrapes are an unavoidable part of school life, especially in the playground.

Many of our school staff have taken part in First Aid training and some have additional paediatric first aid qualifications. When an adult administers treatment of any kind to a child, they will complete an entry in our first aid book.

If a child has a minor head injury we will always try and contact the nominated parent or carer by telephone. We use our judgement as to the extent of the injury and will discuss with the parent or carer whether the child needs to be collected or warrants a visit to the doctor or hospital.

In the very rare case of serious injury the school will telephone for an ambulance. If a parent or carer is unable to get to school quickly, a member of school staff will accompany the child to hospital in the ambulance and wait with them until their parent arrives

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