Kingsgate Primary School
Kingsgate Primary School
Our Vision

Kingsgate Primary School

Our core purpose
Our core purpose is to maximise the life chances of our pupils
Our pupils will be prepared for the next stage of their education and for life in modern Britain.

How we will achieve our core purpose
1. High standards and academic excellence
We set high expectations for all our pupils, whatever their starting point. We believe that every child can achieve well with the best teaching and support. Progress, from every starting point, matters to us. We want pupils at Kingsgate Primary School to go to secondary school with very strong foundations of academic achievement.

2. An excellent curriculum
Our pupils will secure firm foundations in English and mathematics and this underpins excellence in the other subjects. Our curriculum is rich in knowledge and is based on engaging, linked and purposeful learning.
High academic achievement in English and mathematics is important to us but so is the “whole child”. Our curriculum is broad and children engage in a wide variety of enrichment experiences, from performance poetry to coding club, from the local park to famous museums.
We have a wide variety of visitors and trips that enhance the children’s experience.

3. Excellent teaching
We never forget that high quality teaching and learning are crucial in making sure that all our pupils succeed. We aim to inspire curiosity and a love of learning in our pupils. Our teachers have outstanding subject knowledge and pedagogy. Teachers challenge pupils to engage and stretch themselves.
Leaders rigorously monitor staff and give regular feedback in a supportive and developmental manner. Opportunities for high-quality training are always available from within the school or from the local authority or professional bodies.
We achieve excellent teaching through teamwork. Teams plan together and have a strong focus on dialogue and teamwork.

4. Exemplary behaviour
We want all our pupils to enjoy school and develop enthusiasm for learning alongside an understanding of their future role in society. Effective management and clear consistent routines ensure that we maximise the time for learning and we teach pupils to be self-disciplined and self-regulating.
Kingsgate Primary School is a purposeful place of learning characterised by a respectful, orderly environment where teachers can focus on teaching and students on learning. We support one another and our students by the use of consistent routines. All pupils know and understand what we expect of them.
Our 3 school rules are Ready, Respectful, Safe.

5. Personal development
A wide and rich programme of personal development underpins high achievement at Kingsgate Primary School. We want to ensure that, in addition to academic success, our pupils become responsible, respectful and active citizens. In particular, we aim to develop the following traits in our pupils:
  • Confidence
  • Resilience
  • Respect

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