Kingsgate Primary School
Kingsgate Primary School
In year application form

If your child has a statement of special educational needs you do not need to complete this form. Please contact the SEN team of the local authority that maintains the statement. This form should be completed by Camden residents only.

IMPORTANT: Before sending this form, check that you have:

Filled out Sections 1 to 5

Signed the form - Section 6

Attached the following documents:
1. Proof of address
Your most recent Council Tax bill or Housing Benefit letter or tenancy agreement, or a mortgage or rental statement.

2. Proof that you are currently resident at this address
A utility bill such as gas or electricity. This must be dated within the last 3 months.

3. Proof of your child's date of birth
For example, their NHS medical card.
Tick if you have attached any additional documents or pages that support your application.

Do you need help completing this form?
Ask the school to which you are applying
Telephone the Admissions Helpline on 020 7974 1625. The admissions team can advise you about which schools in Camden have vacancies.

As you will have attached files to this form there may, depending on your internet speed and the size of the files, be a delay (this may be up to a minute) before the form is processed - please do not move away from this page, or re-submit until you see the confirmation of submission.

* Is your child fostered through a private arrangement?
You have a duty to inform the local authority if the child is fostered through a private arrangement with the child's birth family. Private fostering refers to carers who are NOT step-parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts or uncles and who do NOT have parental responsibility.

** Camden primary and secondary schools are listed in the notes with this form and on Camden’s website: Other boroughs will have information on their websites.

*** I wish to be considered under the social/medical criteria, this is applicable for Camden community schools. Please check the admissions criteria of other schools.
You should submit supporting evidence which sets out the particular reasons why the school is the most suitable, and the difficulties that could be caused if they were to attend another school. This will normally be in the form of a letter from a suitably qualified professional, such as a doctor or social worker for example. Please note hospital appointment letters cannot be accepted as proof. If you or your child has mobility issues then you will be expected to accept a place at your nearest community school.

**** Other circumstances this information may help us to find your child a suitable schoolplace more quickly and help the school to set in place the appropriate support for your child.
Does your child have a social or medical reason to attend a specific school? Please refer to the guidance about the evidence you need and tick the boxes in Section 3

Section 5 Looked After Children/Previously Looked After
Are you a foster carer looking after a child who is in care?
Are you a parent whose adopted child was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order?

If you answered yes to either 1 or 2, please also provide a letter from the social worker confirming the legal status of the child and the local authority with which the child is in care or was in care. Please note point 2 only applies if the child was previously looked after in England or Wales.

Avoid delays!
Check you have completed the form and attached your documents.

Submit the form and supporting documents to the headteacher of the school that you are applying to.

Your request will be processed within 20 school days and the schoolwill send you a written confirmationof the outcome.

Fair Processing

London Borough of Camden will handle the information you have provided in line with the provisions of the Data Protection Act.

Any personal information will be held in confidence with only the necessary people able to see or use it. Under the Data Protection Act you have the right to make a formal request in writing for access to personal data held about you or your child. Camden has a duty under the Children’s Act 2004 to work with partners to provide and improve services to children and young people in the area.

Camden may use this information for other legitimate purposes and may share this information where necessary with other bodies responsible for administering services to children and young people.

The council has a legal obligation to protect public funds. We may therefore check, share and validate information you have provided with other departments of the authority and use third party credit reference agencies (CRA) to verify this information and to prevent fraud. CRA data will only be used to verify and confirm your residency at the address you have provided. Please note that places offered on the basis of fraudulent or intentionally misleading information will be withdrawn. Your statutory right of appeal will not be affected.

Form last revised Dec 2012

If no school place is offered please make a referral to the Child Missing Education Officer on 0207 974 4596

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